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The Real Ghost Stories

When she speaks

But something's wrong these days. Now, to make things clear, I don't see ghosts the way I see this computer or my man

Its mental images

The "mind's eye"

But it's different from imagination

It's that sort of "I see it like I would see a memory, but also like its right in front of me" image

It's hard to explain in writing at 4:15am. Now then, Anne doesn't scare

She never has

She's one of those "Yea though I walk through the Shadow of the Valley of Death, I shall fear no Evil..

Cause I'm the baddest (fill in the blank here) on the Block" type people

And yet, things changed when we moved into the house we're in now. It started simple enough; I was sitting in the living room alone at the computer with the dog when I heard my bedside table drawers slam shut

Just my nerves

And then the back door slammed shut

All the doors were locked..

Things popped up here and there for a few months after that

Then one day, while my man was asleep and I was in the living room, the keys by the door fell off the wall, with their sticky hooks

I could pass this off, since sticky hooks don't last long

Save for the fact that his keys landed three feet away and said keys, his hook, and my keys still on their hook, made a perfect right angle

Ok, still could happen

So I set the keys aside and went to take a shower

Needless to say, I wasn't too enthused about a large hand slapping the shower curtain and the cabinet door slamming shut, only to find out that my sleep-all-day fiancé was, well, still asleep

And then, the thing that bothered me most was seeing Anne crawl into the bedroom, looking as though she herself had just seen a ghost, no pun intended, followed by a black smoke that I saw as clearly as I see this screen

It ducked under the door, swirled about, and disappeared

None of the alarms had gone off, and there was no smell or smoke

After that, save for residual effect from a fire, nothing happened

Until about two or three weeks ago. I was feeling restless, what with my man not being home that night, so I decided I was going to clean the garage

So I set up the radio, pushed my truck into the drive, and proceeded to do just that

I began to have that feeling of being watched, but it wasn't the feeling of Anne's eyes, which I'm quite used to and am now comforted by

And it wasn't the feeling of "human" company

Per usual, I tried to pass it off as nerves

Until my sister (really, ex sister-in-law, but still) got home (she lives across the street with my grandparents) and saw me cleaning

I must've said something that I wouldn't usually say, because she got this strain, though understanding, look and insisted that I tell her if I needed anything

The next few nights were unnerving, though not too unusual. The third night Levi had been back home, we were lying in bed, and I was trying to relax and go to sleep

So I did what I'd used to do, hoping it would help; I closed my eyes, relaxed my body, and put all my energy into creating an image a golden light seeping from my chest to light the entire room

In my mind, and just as I was starting to doze off, the only thing left unlit was the ceiling and the door

When the light began to touch the door, I felt a push, physically, and saw a figure standing over me

The only thing I had time to make out before I pushed back, more in my mind with the light, was that this figure was tall, shadow-black, with red, slit-pupil eyes

I'm not sure if I was truly that tired, or if I was just that scared, but I passed out

Since then, that feeling of being watched, constantly, hasn't stopped

And last night, it came back

I see it now like I see Anne, but I feel it always

It stands like any normal human, but when it walks, it's very animalistic, crouching, walking on all fours

Naturally, my imagination adds wings and small horns to go with those eyes, though I can't say for certain that it's demonic
